In a world that is moving at a faster pace than ever before, your desktop site load time must be able to keep up. Research shows that consumers want information within two seconds of clicking a link, and if your website lags for just a second more you could find they drift off to find the same information on a competitor’s website. Can you really afford to allow this to happen?
Speed Matters to Google Too
And it’s not just your users that want lightning speed desktop site load times. Google favors sites that load fast, and for this reason, include load time as a ranking factor. Don’t get too excited – it’s
a small ranking factor, but a ranking factor all the same. Just remember, if you don’t deliver the fastest desktop experience possible, your competition will, and their pages may be ranked above your own in Google search results. Fortunately, there are a number of things you can do to ensure your website loads within a time that is acceptable to your target audience and all major search engines.
Addressing The Desktop Site Load Time Problem
While you might believe it is simply the network speed between your web hosting provider and the web user that is to blame for slow loading times, it is usually a little more complex than that. For example, too many HTTP requests, unused files or scripts that load unnecessarily and large image files could all be slowing your desktop site load time down without you knowing it. The good news is that these issues and others like them can be resolved with the right approach and expertise. Once resolved, you can use metrics to ensure your website continues to perform as it should and your visitors are getting the best user experience possible.