Online marketing can grow your local business quickly. With so many advertising options to choose from it easy for businesses to overlook one of the most successful strategies like maps marketing. Ranking your business page through maps is one of the most powerful ways to gain more customers. Ensuring that your business is the one that gets found over your competitor. Getting into maps results starts with the basics. This article includes expert tips for businesses who want to grow using maps marketing.
Maps Marketing Is Fundamental for Businesses
Any business that wants to grow today needs to do what is necessary to get in the maps results. The good news is there are 3 fairly simple things that should be in place for a business to have a shot at being in maps.
1. Business Listings
Every business needs lots of them with accurate information. Here is an insider secret, if all the information in Google maps is right, Google won’t trust it until it can be verified against other sources online. So a business needs listings on all the top sources with the same exact information as in Google my business. Not just close to the same , but exactly the same character for character. The best advice to follow when creating additional business listings, is lock down your citation, which is your businesses name address and phone number and then copy and paste it into each additional listing created for the business. This way you remove that tendency for human error when typing things out manually. Do that and I guarantee you that Google will trust the information.
2. Get 5 Star Reviews.
A business today has to have a strategy in place to consistently get reviews from their customers. Reviews accomplish two things. One, they earn higher rankings in search and 2, they give customers the information that they need to trust that business. The studies are crystal clear on this, BrightLocal showed is that businesses with 5 star reviews get a 22% increase in click through’s. So no business wants to ignore that opportunity. To do so is to give up market share to your competition.
3. Mobile Responsive Website
Google changed its algorithm some time ago and it favors mobile responsive websites in search. Because mobile responsive sites give a better experience to those that are using small mobile screens which are now the majority of people searching in the marketplace today. Take care not to confuse a mobile website, and the mobile responsive website. in years past, it was commonplace to build a section version of the businesses website specifically for mobile users. In many cases, this created two versions of the same content which now result in duplicate content penalties by search engines. A mobile responsive site is a single site that simply responds by adapting to whatever size screen is looking at the content found in the site. This way the duplicate content penalties are avoided, not to mention the administrative task of having to update two different websites.
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