Marketing is not just about seeing to it that a business is found by prospective customers. Today’s marketer has to respect the need to show those prospective customers what they need to see to choose their business over competitors. The way to do that today is for business to cultivate the best reputation among the competition in the marketplace.  Aand great online reputation is the credibility piece of this simple equation.
Visibility + Credibility = Profitability
AÂ businesses online reputations never been more important than it is today. There have been dozens of studies on the subject on the percentages of consumers the reviews before making a buying decision. They all put those numbers somewhere between 88% and 97% of consumers who reviews before buying. It makes it clear that a business that ignores this trend does so at its own peril.
Watch this episode of “Secret Sauce”. It is about online reputation.
Online Reputation and Millennial’s
Millennials represent every businesses next-generation of lifelong customers. It’s reported that 97% of online reviews to judge businesses they’re willing to trust. that makes the key to winning this generation over getting online reviews from each and every customer. The good news is that getting reviews is not difficult, contrary to what many businesses have come to believe.  The key to getting online reviews is as simple as asking for them. The simplest approach is to send an e-mail to customers that include a request, for review, appreciation for their business, and include links to two or three sites like Google, Facebook or yelp. The downside is that simple approach is you might invite bad reviews that go public before you realize that the customer was unhappy. So a more effective system is asking for feedback using a private page that you can build out of readily available online surveys and tools. When a customer gives four or five-star feedback, you can set it up so that they’re given the chance to leave what they wrote online, where you need them. And it’s a good idea to give them at least three choices in the question will choose the one that they use. Again, that could be Google, Facebook and Yelp.