Converting More Website Visitors Using Retargeting


March 17  

Last week’s post and episode of “Secret Sauce” for Internet marketing success was about driving traffic to landing pages. So the next step in our funnels series is retargeting.

Here’s why you want to use retargeting In simple terms.

If 100 people went to your landing page, and only 2 converted. Retargeting can give you unlimited opportunities to convert the 98 people that did not. Let’s face it not everyone is ready on that first visit to take you up on your offers. Remember the rule of 7? The avg person needs to see a message 7 times before they make a decision.

Retargeting done right keeps your business is top of mind, for when they’re ready to make a decision.

The anatomy retargeting.

  • First you need a pixel, you get that from the ad platform you’re using, like facebook or adwords and you install it on your landing page or website,
  • Your pixel allows you to track every visitor.
  • Next you build audiences In your ad platform based on the pages they visited. .
  • Next you need ad images in the right size for the ad platform you’re retargeting on. Here are examples of all the different sizes. There are 23 that cover every ad space in the world.

About ad sizes

Facebook has 4 ad sizes, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter, each have 1. The other 15 sizes, are used across the the real time bidding network which covers every other website in the world besides those top 5 social media platforms.

  • Next you need campaigns to show your ads based upon combinations of the 2 different audiences.

Regarding retargeting campaigns

Remember the Pilates studio example from the landing pages episode? They had 100 visitors to the landing page, 2 converted and 98 did not. One campaign will target like this. Display this ad to people that hit the landing page but DID NOT hit the thank you page. That ad would be a second chance ad.

Another campaign could target like this: show this ad to those who hit the landing page AND the thank you page. That ad would offer something that goes along with what they already bought, an upsell of some sort.

2 retargeting campaign examples

Doing retargeting correctly means  showing the right ads to the right person at the right time. If you show ads to people for something they already bought can have a negative effect so, so you want to avoid doing that.

Ready to Consider retargeting?

Schedule a discovery session from the consulting page and get answers to all of your questions about retargeting and more..

The next episode of secret sauce is flawless follow-up, That’s all about making sure the leads you get from paid traffic and retargeting put money in your pocket because You don’t let them fall through the cracks.

Thanks for watching, see you next time.

About the Author

When is he is not creating content or training business owners to be better marketers, you can find him playing with his cats, working in his metal and woodworking shop or sharing a meal and a bottle of wine with friends.

